Partner With Us


SATF is working with grassroots organizations through the provision of grants managed by the program department. The grants are for grassroots civil society organizations working on areas of impact mitigation for HIV and AIDS and Poverty.

Criteria for accessing grants from SATF

If the organization has a constitution
If the organization has a bank account and backed up by a sound accounting system
If the organization has been established and operating actively for at least 3 years
If the organization has experience of assisting orphans and vulnerable children for not less than 3 years

Intervention supported by SATF

Education: (Provision of scholastic materials and interventions aiming to increase access, retention and progression among Most Vulnerable Children and Young people
Health: Increase health knowledge and skills among in school Most Vulnerable Children and young people including HIV prevention and facilitate access to Primary health care services
Child Protection: Advocacy for child protection and addressing Gender Based Violence in school and at the community level
Household Economic Empowerment: Building economic resilience at household level

What SATF does not fund:

Any project/program whose direct or indirect beneficiaries are not Most Vulnerable Children

Construction projects, political activities, purchase of arms

How to apply for funds:

Call for Letter of Inquiry and Request for a Proposal (RFP)
Solicitation of Implementing Partners in the district
Call for Letter of Inquiry
Depending on availability of funds and donor's requirements, SATF will advertise for the call of concept note from local NGOs and FBOs working with MVC. At this stage, NGOs/FBOs/CBOs will be given an opportunity to briefly describe their organizations and the program or activities for which they are requesting funding. Specific guideline shall be provided on how to prepare and submit a concept note. The call for concept note will be advertised in the local newspapers and SATF's websites. The short listed organizations shall be invited to submit a full proposal.